Bourdonné Design Fasel und Fasel Corporate Design

They make communication succeed

Draft, design

Two generations that share a passion for the written & spoken word – in short, Fa‍sel & Fa‍sel. We developed the corporate design for the two communication experts, Prof. Christoph Fa‍sel and Jonathan Fa‍sel. We reflected their honest, clear and powerful linguistic style in their corporate design. We put particular emphasis on the aspect of the two generations that are supported by a strong network of copywriters and media professionals. We chose the ampersand as the central design element, as it supports the focus on networking at Fa‍sel & Fa‍sel & …

Bourdonné Design Fasel und Fasel Corporate Design
Bourdonné Design Fasel und Fasel Corporate Design
Bourdonné Design Fasel und Fasel Corporate Design
Bourdonné Design Fasel und Fasel Corporate Design
Fasel und Fasel Logo Bourdonné Design
Fasel und Fasel Typografie Bourdonné Design
Fasel und Fasel Typografie Bourdonné Design
About our client

What used to be Fa‍sel is now Fa‍sel & Fa‍sel, i.e. Prof. Christoph Fa‍sel and Jonathan Fa‍sel. The two journalists develop media, set up editorial offices and press offices, and advise publishers, companies and associations.

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