Grenke Verträge Formulare Bourdonné Design

Breaking up the grey and making content easier to understand

Draft, implementation, form design

If you buy, rent or lease something, you sign a contract. These contracts are often endless walls of grey, with no separate paragraphs or punctuation whatsoever. The content is already a challenge, and the layout and composition make it even harder to understand. GREN‍KE AG decided to revise all its contracts worldwide to make them easier to understand and improve the structure. And the best thing is that everything fits on one A4 page. Not easy, but possible.

Grenke Verträge Fragenkarte Bourdonné Design
What's important at the beginning
Asking questions, understanding the answers, implementing results

What content does the contract have to include? Are there legal or technical requirements with regard to typography and colours? What are the requirements in each of the different countries and what are the differences? All questions were answered and brought together in a uniform concept.

Arrow 1
Requirements: defined
Concept: drawn up
Now it’s time to get down to business
Grenke Verträge Kartenstapel Bourdonné Design
Arrow 3
Accurately stacked and aligned with the grid

In order to meet the different requirements, a modular system was developed that works in a defined grid. We designed the modules and developed various design elements. This way, all types of contract are combined in a single system irrespective of the country, and all contracts have a uniform appearance.

Grenke Verträge Formulare Bourdonné Design
Grid: created
Modules: developed
Content: coming shortly
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Grenke Verträge Schreibmaschine Bourdonné Design
The dummy text is replaced with the different languages

The template has been designed, the texts are translated and coordinated with the different countries and contact persons. E-mails are sent back and forth like ping pong balls during the review phase.

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Grenke Verträge Waage Bourdonné Design
Weighting and distributing content

We receive the content and check that it is correct in all the contracts and media. If we encounter inconsistencies, we query them and make sure that information we received for another project is also taken into account. At the end of the process, the contracts are ready to be printed or for digital use.

Grenke Verträge Konsequenz Resultat Bourdonné Design
Grenke Verträge Bourdonné Design
Grenke Verträge Bourdonné Design
Grenke Verträge Bourdonné Design
About our client

The company was founded by Wolf‍gang Gren‍ke in 1978 and gradually evolved into a group of companies that operates in 33 countries all over the world. The company focuses primarily on financial solutions in the areas of leasing, banking and factoring for small and medium-sized companies.

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